week 1 Theme
Baseline Ground stroke including contact point in front, extension groundstrokes, top spin 底线击球包括击球点前,前臂延伸
Big power steps vs small
adjustment steps 大步和小步调整
topspin under the ball 加上旋
height over the net 过网高度
Week 3 Theme
1st Serve+ next shot attack/ 2nd Serve neutralize 一发以及一发后的击球/二发
1st return middle& Deep一发接球中间球和深球
return cutting angle 接发减少角度往前迎上去
Powerful 1st Serve and 2 consistance serve with spin 大力量一发和旋转二
Week 5
Volley 1st volley and 2nd volley
Swing Volley 一拦河二拦
Continental grip drop shop 放小球
Slice, drive and drop shot mix
Overhead 削球,混淆上旋下旋改变节奏
Use continental Saving the shot 救球用大陆试
week 2 Theme
stance including open, semi-open, neutral stance and close stance 开放式,关闭,半开方式
footwork including crossover, forward pass the leg 移动包括交叉,开放式
Side to Side movement big power steps 左右移动大步换小步
Forward and and backward movment向前和向后移动
Speed and explosion 移动速度和启动
split setp and first explosion step分垫步
Week 4
Develop power shot 加速球
transition and finish with volley 中场球和以网前结束
Bend the leg and uppder body posture 蹲腿
approach shot and finishing shot near the net 网前落地得分球
Mental Game
Winning attitude
Body language 身体语言
Breathing & relaxation 呼吸和放松
Play under pressure
Rituals 心理模式
Visualization 表象训练
Activation 激活
Management of mistakes 失误管理
week 6-10 will repeat